If you experience any malfunction of the app (no or unstable timecode), please try the following steps:
Connect your WiFi access-point directly to your console (without network switch and other networked devices).
Try a new (empty) showfile and just start a TimecodeSlot pool object (or start your external timecode source).
Please use a fast WiFi connection, and disable all multicast filtering or bandwidth management function on your network infrastructure (switch, access point, …). Also ensure your Session Speed is “Fast”. You can try the “Jitter reduction” (Settings > Timecode Input).
Check your settings (Session and TimecodeSlot) and ensure at least one TimecodeSlot is running. Please make sure you are connected to the same network (MANET2) in the same IP range. Check if session data (multicast) is received (Settings > Debug).
So far, I successfully tested this app with BomeBox. But every access-point with at least 100MBit and no multicast filter should be fine. Do not use a router.
1GBit unmanaged network switch, all network management (multicast filtering, bandwidth throttling, …) should be disabled.
GMA RehearsalBuddy requires exclusive access to WiFi network connection. This prevents access to cloud servers which would allow multi-user sessions. Sending data locally (MANet) should be avoided in order not to influence the MANet session.
As a workaround I would recommend to copy and paste the notes to a shared Google Doc/Sheet.
Okay, Okay. This one can give you a hint how to collaborate:
Apple provides a lot of smart sharing tools.
Depending on language/region of your Excel installation, the CSV delimiter changes between comma (,) and semicolon (;). You can change this in “Settings”.
GMA RehearsalBuddy requires exclusive access to WiFi network connection. This is conflicting with most VPN connections. I would say: NO. But give it a try. Maybe it works under certain circumstances.
No. Sorry. This is because of the solution how the timecode is captured from the network session and there is no way to read out the cue status. Also a “current cue” is not always unique because more sequences can be triggered at the same time. This feature is in consideration, but there is no roadmap or planned release date.
The whole app is developed with Android as target platform in mind, but there is no roadmap or planned release date.
MA3 is very new on the market and not every communication interface is implemented or finished. Also stuff changed from grandMA2 to grandMA3. Even if I can not provide a release date for MA3 support, it is planned for near future.
No. Sorry! It just took a long time do figure out how grandMA2 speaks timecode over network …